Sunday, January 18, 2009

Misery Loves Company

So i've had this extreme pain running through the side of my throat for the past, what four days? Look, I like to think I can tolerate pain pretty well... i've had a history of aches you probably wouldn't want me to put in detail. But this, this is unbearable. I described it to someone as "a knife poking my throat harder and harder each time I swallow my own saliva... and this is without exaggeration." I went to the doctor just to make sure it wasn't strep, (and because my paranoid mother tried to convince me that the virus could spread to my heart), so doctor here I am! And what do you know.. they didn't tell me anything I couldn't figure out myself. It's not strep. Take tylenol. Um THANKS. Then what the fuck is in there that's keeping me so miserable? Since the doctor disappointed me so, I did my own research. I've come to the conclusion, that no, it's not a regular sore throat, I mean it certainly doesn't feel like a regular sore throat. It's fucking canker sores that spread through the linings of my throat. Yes, those red outlined white holes you get when you bite the inside of your mouth. In my throat. Oh, btw, TMI. I'm sorry.


x said...

canker sores.
spread through the linings of your throat.
i think that tops it all, man.
tell me when you're up for some company so i can bring over some chicken noodle soup (maybe it'll burn off the canker sores... ew.)
and some sour patch kids (cause we all know the last thing you need is smooth things for your throat)
and some good ol' beer.
haha i kid, i kid (except that part about the chicken noodle)

chin up, soulja<3

Kim said...

holy crap that sounds so painful!