You deserve to feel alive. He doesn't deserve to be the one that makes you feel that way. In theatre, we talked about how everyone has their
public persona vs. private solitude. And it eventually got me to really consider it. Do we all really wear masks when with other people, no matter who it is? Of course I know part of that is just.. it's human to act differently when you're by yourself. It's honest. But do we all really go out of our way not in terms of acting differently, but trying to place ourselves in a certain light? In a light that we choose to allow people to see? Personally, I'm aware that people portray me as that happy, go-lucky girl. That's just something I chose. And that's okay. When something's terribly upsetting me, well i'm still that happy go-lucky girl. I guess it's just easier for some than others to expose their vulnerability. I'm clearly not one of those people, and is that okay? Or is that a mask that should be put away? We all wear masks. And hopefully, we find someone who can be kind enough to take it off for us from time to time.