Thursday, December 11, 2008

Men were born to lie. And women were born to believe them.

It bothers me. It bothers me to the point I have to constantly remind myself that it's something I don't have to forgive myself for. He's the last person that deserves an ounce of thought from me. Then what the fuck is the problem? There has been no one else to replace those feelings.... This to me is clear though. I don't miss him. Not in hell... But i'd be greatly lying if I said I didn't miss what was there. How he made me feel. How it came close to the type of intimacy I imagined having with someone.

To the people who didn't believe me when I said I wasn't emotionally attached... i'm sorry it took me too late to realize that I was a big pile of bullshit. Because when I finally did accept it, it hit me a lot harder. And that, I regret. I still can try to convince myself and others that it was no biggie, it was just something that flew in and out of my life.

But how can I convince myself when at the end of the day, it's the same thoughts over and over again. Thoughts that I can't forgive myself for having... thoughts about a person who at one point made me feel this happiness different from anything i've ever felt before.. who happens to be the same person that I consider the joke of my life. Mistake? Maybe not. A long long time later, and i'm still consumed by this? Come on, Diane. Really? And really, it's not about him. It's the fact that I'm programmed to fall in love... with love. The idea, the potential.. it was perfect. I just wasn't fortunate enough to match it with a decent guy.


Elaine Wu said...

Is this boy someone that you might have introduced to me? LOL tell me if I'm right.

<3 it's okay sometimes it's hard to get over the denial.

Diane said...

lol nope, definitely not. It's sad really. One, it was such a long time ago. Two, I didn't introduce him to anyone. That should've spoken volumes.

jenko said...

diane has a blog too?! :) sorry to be finding this out on the wrong post. aww diane it's ok, lillian's right. guys suck (although i haven't had too much experience with them, this i know for a fact :))