Monday, February 8, 2010


For the first time in a really long time, I can say I'm content with all aspects of my life right now. School starts next week and oddly but reasonably enough, I'm psyched. Work kept me busy but I was lacking that balance of both physical AND mind stamina. Once all of that is settled, i'll finally be ready enough to jump back into the world that's remained a constant passion for me... acting. I can't begin to describe how much I've missed reading scripts and placing all my energy into making a character as my own... finding that character within me. Some people might not understand how seriously I take it sometimes because while I do it because of the enjoyment it brings, I stay with it because of what it does to me internally.

Then there are the personal parts of my life that again, I can say I'm very content with. It's always been against my way to show how I really feel but this time around, I learned it doesn't always backfire when you decide to give yourself away. You can't be afraid to risk certain things because then you might miss even bigger things. I need to stop believing in jinxing people's emotions because that's the way to really lose them.

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