Wednesday, May 6, 2009

5, 7, 5

So the past few days we've been doing some brainstorming for an upcoming show in theater. Today's assignment was to think about your greatest fear within yourself and to write a haiku about it. Our director's example was his fear of failing others by standing by and watching them fail. With only ten minutes left in the period, and being that, I didn't do as I was asked to think of my greatest fear the night before, I began thinking way under pressure. Without too much over-thinking, I let my mind wander and put my first thoughts on paper. As soon as I turned it in, I wanted to snatch it back. I realized just how dark and personal it was... Sometimes you keep your fears so under control and under denial that it tends to surprise you when it finds its way out of your heart.

Standing with shadows,
I cannot bear the feeling,
Being alone, just them.

I guess Miss Independent isn't all she's cracked out to be.

1 comment:

Kim said...

aww i know.
i hate being alone sometimes too. i feel very lonely latey.