Friday, June 26, 2009

Same Ol' Things Got Me Going Crazy

Summer's not the time to be thinking about what millions ways my life could go wrong in the next year is it? But how come at the end of the night, it's those same thoughts repeating itself in my head... Is it so wrong to choose happiness over stability? Passion over caution? I keep putting my priorities off, hoping that I don't have to deal with it now. But my god, my summer will collapse if I don't stick with a plan now.

On another note, watching the end of Confessions of a Shopaholic just gave me this immense surge to want a guy that will tell me, "she's not you" when I ask him why he's not with her. Such a simple, not even that romantic part of a movie, surprisingly made me :(. Oh, and a British accent? Never goes wrong.


x said...

always choose happiness over stability. stability is boring.

i keep putting off my priorities too, in hopes that Life will decide something for me, but Life, unfortunately, is way lazier than I am.

I ALSO watched confessions of a shopaholic very recently. i think... wednesday? LDSKFJDLFDLJ. SHE'S NOT YOUUUUUUUUUU<3

Kim said...

i enjoyed this :)