Thursday, July 9, 2009

Money (Or the lack of) Sucks...

Working five days a week now on a pretty solid schedule, finally. Something I could get used to. And it is. It's a good thing when work is just a strand in your everyday life that you have no room to complain. I enjoy mostly everyone's company. I could just goof the hell off and not feel like a total fool. My manager's hilarious to be around, and she made me and her fantastic yogurt this morning which was very nice indeed. Working at the coffee again ain't so bad after all.

I overdrafted again. Apparently ATM's don't include your pending payments so I kept sliding and sliding... Parents called me furious as hell, got me in a horrible mood that whole day so I secluded myself away from communication with the world... then got over it. The manager at wamu was a nice lady, and I put my very best sad face on.. and she took off half the charges. It's still a bummer to think that I worked two days to feed the bank when I could be feeding me though.

I love how every time you get completely shitfaced and feel terrible, the words that come out of your mouth may be "I will never drink again..." Then not too long later, you seem to forget about all of that and do it all over again. Hello to the last three weeks. Except after a certain shitty thing happened one night, I'm from now on making sure I don't let myself get so vulnerable in the company of ANY guy. Boys are boys. That won't change. Fuck you btw, you seem to think I don't remember or know what happened, but if I ever see you again... I don't think I can help myself but to put you in your place. I'm digusted.

Anyways, here's to a wonderful summer.


Kim said...

aw, i'll feed you :)

Diane said...

LOL aw kim I laaav you :)