Friday, January 21, 2011

I really hate myself when I get into these funks.

I get disappointed over little things and it affects my mood for days. It makes me think about bigger issues I shouldn't be. It makes me find it hard to trust again. I want to learn to trust you so badly, but it seems the past dictates that. My past, our past, your past. It shatters me how much I think about the things that could go wrong. I get mad thinking about things that could happen, when I should trust that it won't. And then there's my pride. I have too much pride to even bring up what's eating at me. So I hide behind a wall, and act as if I don't need anyone. I don't need to depend on anyone to make my day. I don't need to wait for that one small phone call to make my day complete. I don't need it. So, if I can't say anything, what else can I do but start allowing myself to keep you in my life less. Talk to you less. For what? So I can show myself that I'm just as fine without you? All from one small thing that made me more upset than it should have....

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