Sunday, February 1, 2009

Soar Above the Sky

I'm breathing through phlegm-filled airways.
My voice is lower than acceptable.
I'm in the middle of a show throughout this sick streak.
I can't find a job.
I'm in credit card debt, and can't allow my parents to keep paying for it right now.
The school day has been going ridiculously slow for me every day.
Calculus makes me want to stab myself.
The shows are keeping me away from my friends, family, and my sanity.
I'm torn not having the chance to be there for someone when they need it.
I still daydream about that perfect guy i've made up in my mind since there's really nothing else going on in that department.
I want to give more to the people I have in my life.

But at the end of the night, after I get off that stage, and someone pulls me away, and says, "You were phenomenal," taking a while to actually take those words to heart, I see that they were genuinely affected, and if I can make just one person laugh, or a whole audience entertained for a night... I can kiss that stress-list goodbye. I can act as if it's nothing to me, small or big show, but really, it's everything.


Elaine Wu said...

"I still daydream about that perfect guy i've made up in my mind since there's really nothing else going on in that department."
ahaha i laugh because ironically, i'm the same.

I love how passionate you are for acting <3

hannah song said...

chin up<3 i wuv you:D

Diane said...

thanks guys :)))

x said...

i daydream about the perfect guy too... AND IM UNASHAMED TO SAY THAT I DO!

you make my day, regardless of whether you're on the stage or not. you, my dear, are always phenomenal (in bed)

<3 that's my cue to leave.

jenko said...

ditto to everyone above :)

and i, sadly, still daydream about the perfect guy i've made up in my mind since there's really nothing else going on in that department :)

diane! i really wanted to go to your show, sorry i wasn't there, i'm 100% sure that it was great, i'm really sorry! :(