Saturday, March 7, 2009

It could be a double-life.

On one of those days, I meet this young man.. an aspiring director he is. We were both working on set, but with very different intentions. He looks at me and asks, "You want to be an actor, don't you?" I'm hesitant because as simple as the question is, it's also the most complicated thought I fight with every day. So I say, "Ideally, yes.... But.... I still want to be practical. " He interrupts me from going on and smiles, "No, I can definitely see you on the big screen. As a visionary director, I have that critical eye to see it." Was I supposed to say thank you... I mean, it's not like I proved myself to him in any way. He just "saw" something that could mean nothing. But sometimes it's not about what you're capable of. It IS about what they initially see in you that gets your foot in the door... and luck. Then, when you get past that, hope that you have some damn great talent to KEEP your foot on that side of the door.

Anything can happen because I decided that I will do what it takes to follow my heart's desires. Already, I'm beginning to make some large sacrifices, but at the end of the day, I know it's worth it. If I go with my gut instinct, with no hesitation, I'm doing something right. Because it feels right. I'm willing to give up what solid plan I have now, to pursue a shaky one... because it's that shaky, ohmygodwhatwillhappennow one... that makes me feel so alive.


melissa said...

i wish i was as brave as you..

Mai-Thi said...

dude diane, this is great.

Diane said...

melissa wth. you ARE.

mai-thi! lol aw thankyou :)

Brittany said...

diane. fucking do it. you can.

also dont forget that super cool fro haired girl from high school. ;)