Tuesday, August 25, 2009


It just gets too much sometimes. Too frustrating. My dad always has to be complaining about something. Yes, I understand that after he got laid off, it's easier for everyone to get irritated. But come on. Sometimes I just want to blow my pride away and say, "I'm still a kid!" But that's not what I want. I use a good chunk, often even HALF, of every one of my paychecks towards bills... while at the same time trying to save up for college and for rent when I move out. All this from a fucking minimum hourly job. His come-back is always giving me crap about how I spend money by eating out with friends a lot, but that's my business. What, i'm just going to live my life working and spending the money how HE thinks I should spend it? Not have a social life? I don't want any sympathy or shit, but when you're my father, and you ask for money so easily, and then get mad when I don't want to use money for a fucking car wash... it's frustrating. I just want you to at least feel a little appreciative that I'm not asking you to pay for my college... not asking you to help me move out on my own. I'm being as understandable and cooperative as I can. I just wish you'd do the same.

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