Monday, August 17, 2009

Little Brown Bag

I was watching "Degrassi Goes Hollywood" and my dad totally sat through the whole movie... He must've been bored out of his mind. HAHA. It was okay... I love me my Degrassi, but yeah it was definitely a "TV" movie. Nothing more. It's true, THEY KNOW DRAMA. :P Okay enough of me as a total nerd.

Hmm I went shopping for the first time this summer this last week... And I can't believe I almost forgot how blissful it feels... to ache for that one item until you get it. This is a bad habit waiting to happen. Whatever man! Working full time all summer, I think I deserve a little self-treatment. Eh, well. I know where all that money went... food. I would get a paycheck every two weeks and in those two weeks, that's 14 days... of carelessly going out for food. It adds up... what a little bitch. I bought a top for $15, and thought... this could've been my dinner. And wow what a difference it makes! Now I used that $15 for something that'll last me more than half an hour of satisfaction. So I got an idea. Eat out less, spend extra money on clothes instead. Man i'm brilliant.

Five months and my life will begin.

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