Sunday, August 30, 2009

Take Me There

It's been awhile since I've had a reaaaaally good weekend... especially on a real fri-sun weekend. With work, my weekends are usually mon-tues and well, not much happens on weeknights. Went clubbing two nights in a row! Even with work at 8 and 9 am each day HA, it seems like a good idea hours before you actually have to wake up. But no regrets. Totally worth it! Sharks on Thurs with two of my coworkers and some of their uci friends. It was totally fun hanging out with them outside the workplace. "Wow! It's weird to see you outside of work... you're like a normal person!" Yeah.... that happens. HAHA. But as for the club itself... eh, nothing special. It just had one of the reasons why I'm not always too psyched about clubbing... creepy men who think it's okay to just come up behind you and run their hands over your legs and shit. Wtf man, get outta here.

WHICH brings me to the next club... RAGE and why I absolutelyfuckinglove it. It's my second time going and definitely not my last. It makes me never want to go to a 18+ straight club again HAHA. You rarely have to worry about strange men at a gay club. Girls coming on to you are not creepy at all, since they're so fun about it LOL. And gay men are the cutest! Both in a hot-unattainable way AND in just a too damn adorable way. Went to see one of my best friends that I grew up with in NC, Kamille! God I love her. Took my other girls with me and I'm pretty sure it's a scene they all fell in love with as well. For a moment there, Kamille and I just stood at the upstairs balcony and watched over the people dancing downstairs and I completely got her when she said how wonderful it was to see all this culture... It's real, and it's fascinating. Makes me so much more excited to move out to LA. Finally see the world for what it is, this Orange County shit is just way too superficial, conservative, and not enough for a 19 year old.

It always makes me happy to meet people so easy to get along with. And that's why I love the gay world. It's the most outgoing and stick-it-as-it-is world to be in. I end up enjoying a person's company in the five minutes I meet them. I have one gay best friend here in Irvine and I wish I was able to introduce him to this world Kamille introduced me to before he left to do it on his own in college. He had to hide himself here. It's not that he was ashamed by any means. He cared too much about making other people feel awkward. Which I think was too selfless on his part. And I hope that he finally finds the place that i've seen where all of this is completely acceptable. I love being a hag. Hhahaha :)

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