Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Five Years

I've never really thought about this before, but I actually find pure enjoyment in getting to know people... meeting people... forming new relationships Yeah it sounds like it's just a basic life thing, but for me I think it's going to have a lot to do a lot with my future job. Besides my dream job to be a professional actor, my dream "realistic" job is to be in communications and public relations. I want to work for people, be the one that people come to. I want to have a huge network and stay busy by living the fast paced life of schedules, events, and phone calls. It's weird, don't underestimate the long term effects high school has on you. Doing such things as being a house manager and co-director of the big shows those years, people came up to me, patted my back, and thanked me for staying so busy and getting everything done. I actually loved every second of it. I like running around, checking to make sure everyone is doing what they're supposed, making the important people seeing the show that night feel completely comfortable... It feels good to know that you have a vision of yourself five years from now. The next step is to just fight like hell to get there.

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